Christmas Shutdown
Rubbish will be collected 2 times per week, Fuel will be sold from Quinn Shop
Rubbish will be collected 2 times per week, Fuel will be sold from Quinn Shop
Reminder CDP closes for few weeks over Christmas, enquiries regarding CDP and payments please call Centrelink.
Staff will be returning to work on 9th January 2023
Men’s Information delivered by Aboriginal Legal Aide - All Minyerri men invited to come along.
Community Meeting will be held at the Basketball; Facilitated by Alawa Aboriginal Corporation.
If members would like to raise or put anything on the agenda please speak to Chair person Rosemary Joshua.
Activities happening throughout NAIDOC week in Minyerri are the following;
NAIDOC march & Flag Raising ceromony
Welcome to Country
Sports - Basketball, Football
Cultural Cook up - bush tucker foods
Elders Morning tea & photos
Family fun day - kids races & novelty games for all families
Fashion Parade all ages
Wall Murial unveiling & signing of the paintings by the artists
EON Foundation is supporting the community in planting trees & plants around Minyerri Community . EON is partnering with Alawa Aboriginal Corporation in planting fruit trees and vegetable seeds with Aged Care clients , children and community members.
EON foundation will also be planting trees and plants at the cultural hub and providing advice on the maintenance of the garden.
Training is scheduled for CDP Job seekers wanting to obtain their tickets; please see CDP consultants at the office for more information.
Any agenda items welcomed by Alawa AC members , please send through by Monday 11th April COB.
Clive Roberts